Addressing the Psychosocial Needs in Diabetic Neuropathy: A Call to Action #DiabeticFoot #PsychoSocial #ActAgainstAmputation

In the insightful publication by Pouwer, Mizokami-Stout, Reeves, Pop-Busui, Tesfaye, Boulton, and Vileikyte, featured in Diabetes Care, the authors emphasize the urgent need for enhanced psychosocial care for individuals with diabetic neuropathy. This comprehensive study highlights the significant psychological impact of diabetic neuropathy, including depression and anxiety, which often go undetected and untreated. The authors... Continue Reading →

The Diabetic Foot-Pain-Depression Cycle: Results from a Clinical Cohort #Depression #DiabeticFoot #Pain #ActAgainstAmputation #Diabetes

This work from our combined Dartmouth, SALSA USC and SMU team led by Brandon Brooks Abstract Background: More than 86,000 Americans with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) undergo nontraumatic lower-extremity amputations annually. The opioid-prescribing practice of podiatric surgeons remains understudied. We hypothesized that patients with T2DM who undergo any forefoot amputation while using antidepressant medication will... Continue Reading →

Relationship between WIfI Stage and Quality of Life at the time of Revascularization in the @BEST_CLI Trial #ActAgainstAmputation @ALPSlimb

Another important contribution to the literature from the Best CLI trial from Jeff Syracuse and coworkers. Type of Research: This is prospectively collected data from a randomized clinical trial. Key Findings: Patients presenting with WIfI stage 4 were more often current smokers, had end stage renal disease, diabetes, and were not independently ambulatory. WIfI stage 4, compared... Continue Reading →

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