The Significant Impact of Specialty Care on Diabetic Foot Ulcer Outcomes #Team #Specialty #Interdisciplinary #Multidisciplinary #ActAgainstAmputation

An important contribution in PLoS ONE by Yingzhou Liu, Menggang Yu, Jamie N. LaMantia, Jennifer Mason Lobo, Justin J. Boutilier, Yao Liu, and Meghan B. Brennan from the University of Wisconsin provides compelling evidence for the effectiveness of specialty care in treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Analyzing a substantial cohort of 27,545 patients with DFUs,... Continue Reading →

@CDCgov Analysis of Cost Effectiveness in #Diabetes: Hypertension Control and Foot Care top the list @alpslimb #DiabeticFoot #ActAgainstAmputation @apma

This superb report from Siegel and coworkers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. OBJECTIVE To synthesize updated evidence on the cost-effectiveness (CE) of interventions to manage diabetes, its complications, and comorbidities. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We conducted a systematic literature review of studies from high-income countries evaluating the CE of diabetes management interventions recommended by... Continue Reading →

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