American Diabetes Association Hosts Worldwide Webinar on Addressing Diabetes-Related Amputations @AmDiabetesAssn ActAgainstAmputation #DiabeticFoot @ALPSlimb @USC @USC_vascular @ResearchatUSC @KeckSchool_USC FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently hosted a worldwide webinar entitled "Dialogue with ADA: Addressing Opportunities & Challenges of Preventing Diabetes-Related Amputations". This virtual event featured leading experts in the field, including Professors Rodica Pop Busui of University of Michigan, Richard Neville, Chief of Surgery at Innova Healthcare, and Professor David... Continue Reading →

@VascularSVS Webinar Highlights WIfI, Global Vascular Guidelines to help #ActAgainstAmputation @ALPSlimb @jmills1955 @USCFVascular @UWSurgery @USC_Vascular @USC @VascularCures @APMA

Profs. DG Armstrong (USC) Noboyushi Azuma (Asahikawa University), Sanjay Misra (Mayo) and Elina Quiroga (University of Washington) joined chairs Profs. Michael Conte (UCSF), John White (Advocate) and Joseph Mills (Baylor College of Medicine) to review implementation of Global Vascular Guidelines in limb preservation. David G. Armstrong, Professor of Surgery and Director of the Southwestern Academic... Continue Reading →

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