A Closer Look at Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment Adherence using #WHO criteria #IJLEW #ActAgainstAmputation #DiabeticFoot

A Closer Look at Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment Adherence: Insights from Singapore Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a severe complication of diabetes, affecting millions globally and leading to significant morbidity and healthcare costs. Effective management of DFUs is complex and requires adherence to a multidisciplinary treatment plan. However, patient adherence to DFU treatment is a... Continue Reading →

Relevance of BEST-CLI trial endpoints in a tertiary care limb preservation program

In a recent study conducted by a team from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), including Iris H. Liu, MD, Rym El Khoury, MD, Jade S. Hiramoto, MD MAS, Warren J. Gasper, MD, Peter A. Schneider, MD, Shant M. Vartanian, MD, and Michael S. Conte, MD, the relevance of the BEST-CLI trial endpoints was... Continue Reading →

Diabetic Foot Screening Guidelines and the Role of Artificial Intelligence: Time to Turn the Tide!

Diabetic Foot Screening: Embracing AI for a Healthier Future In the face of rising foot amputations despite medical and technological advancements, a recent manuscript by Cynthia Formosa, Nachiappan Chockalingam, Nikolaos Papanas, and Alfred Gatt calls for a radical shift in diabetic foot management towards prevention and early diagnosis[1]. The Current Challenge Diabetes mellitus (DM) is... Continue Reading →

The Collaborative Fight Against Diabetes-Related Amputations in the Black and Brown Community #ActAgainstAmputation @ALPSlimb @JNJInnovMed @JNJNews @steveosunsami

A must watch for anyone who cares about eliminating preventable amputation in people with diabetes. Thanks to our SALSAmiga, Dr. Dominique Woods for sending this our way. https://twitter.com/i/status/1758268481647059454 In the poignant ABC News segment "Severed: Diabetes Denial and Mistrust," the narrative extends beyond the statistics and into the heart of a community effort to combat... Continue Reading →

Using 3D-bioprinted autologous minimally manipulated homologous adiposetissue for limb salvage in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer

In advance of this manuscript, you might also see this manuscript from our team using similar intraoperative 3D printing (biodressing) technology In an intriguing study published in the Archives of Plastic Surgery, researchers Hyeonmin Yoon and Woojin Song have continued with a novel approach to limb salvage in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs)... Continue Reading →

Offloading and adherence through technological advancements: Modern approaches for better foot care in diabetes #ActAgainstAmputation #ALPSlimb #NIDDK #SmartBoot

In the realm of diabetic foot care, the integration of technology has opened new avenues for managing and preventing diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), a common and serious complication of diabetes. A recent publication by Sicco A. Bus, Neil D. Reeves, David G. Armstrong, and Bijan Najafi, titled "Offloading and adherence through technological advancements: Modern approaches... Continue Reading →

Flap Reconstruction for Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a critical concern in diabetic foot care, often leading to severe complications and amputations. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis have provided valuable insights into the outcomes of flap reconstruction for DFUs, offering hope for improved treatment strategies. Overview of the Study The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of... Continue Reading →

Spinal Cord Stimulation as an Adjunct to Traditional Debridement for Ischemic Diabetic Foot Ulcers?

Ischemic diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) present a significant challenge in diabetic foot care, often leading to severe complications and amputations. A recent retrospective cohort study has shed light on the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) compared to traditional debridement care in treating these complex wounds. The Study's Insights The study, which involved a comparative... Continue Reading →

More on the Potentially Innovative Approach to Neuroischemic Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Modified Tibial Cortex Transverse Transport

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a common and severe complication of diabetes, often leading to lower extremity amputations. Traditional treatments, while varied, do not always prevent the progression of these ulcers, particularly in more advanced stages. However, a recent study published by Liu et al. offers hope through a novel surgical technique known as modified... Continue Reading →

Harnessing AI in Diabetic Foot Disease: A Leap into 3D Imaging

Harnessing AI in Diabetic Foot Disease: A Leap into 3D Imaging Diabetic foot disease (DFD) is a serious complication of diabetes, often leading to lower limb amputations. With the global prevalence of diabetes on the rise, the urgency to improve early detection and management of DFD has never been greater. A recent systematic review by... Continue Reading →

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